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What is the Egyptian Method of Reflexology?

What is the Egyptian Method of Reflexology?

March 14, 20244 min read

Reflexology is a healing art of ancient Egyptian origin. On the walls of a Sixth Dynasty Egyptian tomb (c. 2450 B.C.) depicts two seated men receiving massage on their hands and feet. From Egypt, the practice went east to pre-dynastic China (possibly as early as 3000 B.C.) then entered the Western world during the conquests of the Roman Empire. The concepts of reflexology have also been traced to ancient Indian medicine. The Inca civilization may have subscribed to the theories of reflexology and passed on the practice of this treatment to the Native Americans in the territories that eventually entered the United States.

— In recent times, Sir Henry Head first investigated the concepts underlying reflexology in England in the 1890s. Therapists in Germany and Russia were researching similar notions at approximately the same time, although with a different focus. Less than two decades later, a physician named William H. Fitzgerald presented a similar concept that he called zone analgesia or zone therapy. Fitzgerald's zone analgesia was a method of relieving pain through the application of pressure to specific locations throughout the entire body. Fitzgerald divided the body into 10 vertical zones, five on each side, that extended from the head to the fingertips and toes, and from front to back. Every aspect of the human body appears in one of these 10 zones, and each zone has a reflex area on the hands and feet. Fitzgerald and his colleague, Dr. Edwin Bowers, demonstrated that by applying pressure on one area of the body, they could anesthetize or reduce pain in a corresponding part. In 1917, Fitzgerald and Bowers published Relieving Pain at Home, an explanation of zone therapy.

— Later, in the 1930s, a physical therapist, Eunice D. Ingham, explored the direction of the therapy and made the startling discovery that pressure points on the human foot were situated in a mirror image of the corresponding organs of the body with which the respective pressure points were associated. Ingham documented her findings, which formed the basis of reflexology, in Stories the Feet Can Tell, published in 1938. Although Ingham's work in reflexology was inaccurately described as zone therapy by some, there are differences between the two therapies of pressure analgesia. Among the more marked differences, reflexology defines a precise correlation between pressure points and afflicted areas of the body. Furthermore, Ingham divided each foot and hand into 12 respective pressure zones, in contrast to the 10 vertical divisions that encompass the entire body in Fitzgerald's zone therapy.

Introduction to Reflexology

— How often do you think about your feet?

— Our feet are the foundation of our health

— Our feet are the foundation of our bodies

— What do you do to protect your feet from unnecessary wear and tear?

— How often do you cram your feet into shoes that look better than they fit?


Our feet are one of the most neglected parts of our body. Only when our feet are in pain do we realize how much they do for us. Our feet hold us up, balance our bodies and get us to where we want to go. It’s said, in a lifetime, our feet carries the average person more than a 100,000 miles.


Many people today are full of toxins, over worked, stressed out, physically tired, malnourished, and have let their bodies run down. Even if you’re one of the ones eating healthy or use one of the many holistic therapies,


Egyptian Reflexology, will still provide great benefit.

Founded by Lynn Nelson founder Digits International of Temecula, Ca. in 1985 developed the Egyptian Method of Reflexology,

Reflexology is a dynamic, sensational, yet simple and safe way to glowing health. Through reflexology you will be able to eliminate the cause and symptoms of sickness and pain in the whole body. Reflexology is the application of pressure applied to the feet, hands and ears to specific areas that mirrors the entire body through a system of reflexes. As believed in Reflexology, each foot is actually a channel, a conduit, through which your body attempts to cleanse itself of toxic wastes and heavy metals that are building up in many parts of your body. The Egyptian method of Reflexology is a powerful holistic Energy Healing therapeutic modality that relieves, balances, & restores health to the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual body by igniting the bodies healing center. A primary benefit of Egyptian Reflexology is relaxation. When you find discomfort at a particular place in your body that may indicate stress at a reflex point. Relaxation though Egyptian Reflexology helps the body to release healing endorphins that acts like morphine to pain and relieves almost any kind of stress the body is experiencing.


Ancient Egyptian Reflexology TechniquesEgyptian Approach to ReflexologyMastering the Egyptian Method for Reflexology
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